Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Cape of Good Hope: November 7, 1497

We reached the Cape of Good Hope today. Many of us thought it would be a sigh of relief to see land again. Unfortunately it did not turn out the way we thought it would. The natives in the area greeted us, but they were not too happy to see us. We were not sure what their intentions were as we approached them, but in another few moments we would find out. More natives came running out of the vegetation that lied beyond the shore. They began shooting arrows at the ship screaming with rage. The crew began loading up their muskets with gunpowder, however the natives already had a head start on us. After what seemed like hours, we finally made our way out of the warzone that was now behind us. Five of our crewmembers were injured in the battle. We are now extremely close to rounding the southern tip of Africa, and many of the men want to return home as a result of the events that occurred earlier today. However I cannot do that; I set out on a mission to reach Asia and I do not plan on abandoning that mission.

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